Thursday, January 28, 2010

Canadians Who Work At Disney

UAEM Invictus: everyone has his sights on South Africa

It Matters Not how strait the gate, How charged
with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley
fragment of the poem "Invictus"

is nothing new to say that everyone is turning to see South Africa (as happened to China, Australia, etc. And that it would happen to Brazil with his world, his Olympics and its rapid economic growth and American power did, making it Mexico). If everyone is turning to see what is in South Africa, not only for Charlize Theron or porq ue city seems to be the new fashion for the aliens, park their spaceships (just see District 9 " or the wonderful documentary that is based Check it out here -Joburg-origin-of-district-9.htm l), or by the proximity of the World (very questioned so far by the organization and especially their safety), and now adds to the list is also Invictus tape (thanks translators names not put tapes in English: Triumph life or The chamfer is now playing Rugby ) to win their good delivery Oscars 2010.

The film is based on a fragment of the life of Nelson Mandela told through the 1995 Rugby World Cup in South Africa , is touching, very moving. Directed by Clint Eastwood (A great director, though I must admit I'm not a big fan of his films), I accept that I loved this movie, and it's what I like about Clint.

tape is not a sport, but if you have many scenes very well made of a sport that makes us very far by the unpopularity of which our country enjoys Rugby , but even if you understand the rules much The scenes on all the end, you move and this master. But the Rugby at the end is only the pretext of showing this short chapter (but very productive) Mandela's life in a very metaphorical.

Hopefully our politicians Mexican half had the intelligence and love for his country you have Mandela in South Africa and the World

Very, very advisable to come, and we hope that our glorious Mexican National Team of the satisfactions we S similar OUTH A FRICA 2010 Springboks gave them to his country and its citizens.

Rating: 9.5/10


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Horse Carriage Rides Melbourne Cost

Blindness VS. Blindness

'm a big fan of the books that are brought to the big screen, or movies based on books?, well, the idea is that, although of course as they say, even among the dogs no races ... and we is that there are wonderful books that produce tapes equally perfect ( The Godfather is one of my favorite movies and novels ), books that are much better than tapes (tapes almost every Stanley Kubrick than the novels they are based, at least more enjoyable film A Clockwork Orange the novel itself), and books they produce crap crap films (someone said Twilight ).

Blindness VS. Essay Blindness
to 2 of 3 falls without limit of time.

As the tape-book of this post belongs to another category, and generally not be a rule fall most of the adjustments, the category where the novel surpasses tape, and that is not castor position, say, the position of those pseudo-intellectuals who considered an art superiror literature to film, I think both are arts and crafts are both masterpieces and junk vomit (someone mentioned Twilight again?)

Let's start with the novel on a cegueira Ensaio of José Saramago, if you have never read any work by him, if you surprised her writing a little peculiar, for example, uses very few punctuation marks, which causes your reading is not easy to follow it can cause (at least in my case was so) mainly confusion in the narration of the dialogue, coupled with the lack of character names, and refers to them such as "the girl with dark glasses" to throughout the novel.

overcome this, the book I liked and I found very interesting, although the plot so simple but original all the people who inhabit this world goes blind ... and this is just the excuse to tell so many things, show how useless and primitive that we become, show that we could easily bring about the end of our humanity (without waiting until 2012 or ET attack us) enough that we remove one of our senses to kill us all alone among us, showing us how shallow, materialistic and envious that we are, show us the lies we can tell our own sight .......

This is where the film, Blindness , which remains far short of the wonderful novel, a film very well done, great photography, a moving soundtrack, tape that shows a very violent history and raw like the novel, but it falls short, stays there, not so deep as the work of Saramago (his masterpiece?). And this is where it would be a much disappointed, because I had a great story to squeeze too much juice in the hands of Fernando Meirelles director who has given us the best movie of all Latin America (an apology Amores Perros), but is that City of God is the best we've seen.
No, they are not dancing to the snake of the sea ...

tape meets In conclusion, delivers a very decent but based on a story so well told, one does not stay quiet, thinking it might make a wonderful movie ... and we should not be blind to the light to reflect on this issue, since for years it seems we are blind more important but less visible, have been blind understanding, just look around us ...

Download free e-book of the novel Blindness here

Trailer of the movie "Blindness" :

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How To Make My Dog's Shit Harder

My experience with "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

I finished reading a novel that I really loved it and so amazed by the fear that I have not reread a book I like so much ... is "One Hundred Years of Solitude" , THE MASTERPIECE IN OUR LANGUAGE (with due respect to my Don Quixote, but I've never read, and being honest and I will read it, that it is more notes to footnotes the same novel in itself, I am so lazy).

many years ago to buy the novel in a book fair every year is installed in Toluca and its surroundings, and every year is getting poorer (thanks to the Toluca global capital of culture). I started reading several times over the years but never made it past the first pages, I was not ready pa 'read it and it was time to read only Tvnotas.

But this year, I started reading (obviously reinforced the family tree of the Buendia family) since my sister alerted me of the confusion that many Aurelian and José Arcadio could generate and obviously my poor retention to remember names of the protagonists in all circumstances (in fact so for my H arry Potter is a mystery as the characters get confused over not being able to make me lose the plots of movies 20 minutes).

A family tree (somewhat ill) but highly recommended
close at hand while reading a wonderful novel

really is little that can write in my bad writing on a book as brilliant as written by GABO, insurance if they want to find an interpretation, a summary or an explanation of this novel, there are hundreds of references not only very reliable (at least more than this blog disque), but whole books devoted to these topics. I recommend this over me, there is no person on this planet called Earth with their five senses or at least an ounce of intelligence did not like "100 Years of Solitude", and has definitely become my favorite book. Hmmm, on second thought, I have to recommend "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is as useless as saying that "Twilight" is shit, shit bad book.

Anyway, if you have not read, you will not regret to spend your good weights in this work of art, to be seized is in our English language, few things (like music, movies, books) is that we can enjoy in its original language (as not all chew very good English).

Indeed, throughout history is handled much metafiction, this form of self-referential, which definitely I love the concept, and obviously gave rise to the name of this blog, this self-reference that uses so wonderfully Charlie Kaufman eg Synecdoche, New York (great movie, best of the decade by the way, tape it hurt me to see the first 30 minutes but I had fun the other hour and a half), or one that Jorge Luis Borges describes in The Aleph.

If Kaufman wrote a blog, probably would be about a screenwriter who is writing a blog, but seeing that I could not write, one would think of writing about a blogger not can write a blog about a blogger who can not write, then do not understand shit ....... but I would say our superhero made in Mexico, Chapulin Colorado, that's the idea ...

If memory serves me (which I doubt), my first approach to this novel went through a Celso Piña Cumbia, if read correctly, a cumbia (which I must admit I love) called Macondo , chécate part of the lyrics (very good by the way)

Macondo hundred years of sound, sound in air
Gabriel and the years of Trumpets, trumpets announce
And chained Macondo dreams José Arcadio
And although Life goes
memories still swirl
The sorrows of Aureliano, four
beauties Remedios, violins
Amaranta's passions, guitar
And the spell of Melquiades is one hundred years oboe
Ursula, solitude Macondo
Ursula hundred years Macondo

loneliness You forgot epic of a people in a hundred years
Forged love and I guess

history and relive burned in my memory

Mauricio Babilonia Yellow Butterfly Yellow Butterfly flying

By the way, is a book that you must read before you die (which good wishes), and is worth every dollar you spend in this novel, but I understand how this crisis, which sometimes is not enough for a watch or some tennis shoes, a vacation or drinking water, So I leave the link to read, at least digital, download it free here

Monday, January 18, 2010

Infrared Camera Rental Detroit

Math @ The Oxford Murders movies

Making a good film with "high" math is very complicated, and your success is even more difficult, certainly not all are lucky enough to "A Beautiful Mind" that even his good took Oscars, but despite this, overall I like a lot concerned to popularize mathematics trade books and tapes (if including "The Da Vinci Code" , which will increase the percentage of people who knew the Fibonacci series be increased considerably after the novel). There are some very good and "Pi, the order of Chaos" but others are only good intentions at the tape in question: The Oxford Murders (The Oxford Murders in Mexican).

The plot of the movie math involved is simple, to solve a series of murders with the help of mathematics, and now ... .. yes, it is much like any chapter Numb3rs , a series in my opinion very worthy, if you have not seen is highly recommended series where two brothers, one FBI agent and the other a brilliant mathematician unite their powers to fight crime ...

For So I think it is very difficult make a pseudo-criticism of this film. Want to Be Like mathematical I greatly value this work and I like, I think I'll spend the same doctors they see Grey's Anatomy , by simple definition like. But on the other hand I am a movie buff who does not know film, and then this film leaves much much to be desired.
Numb3rs is like CSI New York Mathematics

What shido: In a nutshell, is that he got money, the production is impeccable, the best performances, plays well Elijah I will always be Frodo Wood and John Hurt looks, but you always wondered what would have been in this band if any starring Gael 'll always be a charolastra and García Bernal Michael Caine came to as initially rumored. The

shafa: I think the major flaw of this film is the script, the story is rather simple and very mediocre median, a lot of thriller, full of clichés (such as music and tape to label the mathematical with crazy) and does not propose anything to the world of cinema but a little more to the world of the popularization of science.

Someone understood the script?

The shale: This movie is based on a novel by Argentine Guillermo Martínez called Crimes imperceptible, novel I started reading a couple of times over recent years, but never past the first 5 pages, wait now, if you finish reading this year to make a comparison of film and novel. By the way I got this book "Crimes imperceptible" . Pdf, rapidshare link requests in comments for the download is free and not have to buy.

What shunde: not because (perhaps legal issues) is part of the tape the shoten known story of Fermat's Last Theorem and demonstrating Willes, but somewhat stupid in the movie call him Bormate's Last Theorem proved by Prof. Wilkes Is their similar but cheaper?, and still at the beginning of the film ironically di tell us "Stop the piracy" (hell, so now I do Mike with my tennis, my pants Versanches, my and my TV aipod Sonyc)
I do not respect our sacred beer

Rating: 9.0 Mathematical As
As Cinéfilo: 6.0


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Now Your Gone Grandma Poems

Not Another Teen Movie Zombies, is there? Film

Well I just got back from the cinema (quasi-bound activity every Wednesday), returning to see tape to which he was eager (my critics head the widely recommended), and after many months of delay finally came to our Mexico, it is Zombieland .

Whites not know how to kill zombies ......

I like zombie movies, I like the apocalyptic world that show some of them also seems to me the mop and fun way that we could end this cruel and heartless world, and forget it as our season Influenza in Mexico, we were all trapped in a movie of this type when you went to the streets completely empty, all shops closed and some other real zombie walking in the streets (oh, yeah, right ... .... I'm sorry I was just clarifying that Elba Esther Gordillo , ah, and I just clarify that there is a zombie .... yet, thanks friend Wiki)

What shido: This tape is rete-bloody good fun and entertaining, worth the trip on Wednesday to the cinema to see it, the gags with Bill Murray as zombie are definitely the most fun, the soundtrack this zombie-road-movie is great, songs like "Kingdom of Rust " of Doves (my favorite rolas 2009 and of my favorite albums of the year, damn, I forgot to put on my list of top albums here year according to his napkin) or the end credits with "Salute Your Solution" of Jack White and other The Raconteurs , Which makes this track good mood at the end of the tape. There is no history, only a sequence of 88 minutes of pure zombiescos gags, some very funny, very predictable others, but surely you will be laughing most of the film, which at times reminded me of that PS2 game ( strange you play) where you killed zombies with all sorts of ridiculous objects (never been so fun to kill zombies with buckets, towels, watching TvAzteca ... well, rather the latter makes people zombies)

Zombie playing Bill Murray, or Bill Murray
Zombie, fuck, and not what

What shafa: definitely not infected my favorite movie, I think none exceeded my favorite and great " 28 Days Later" (forget his mediocre 28 Weeks Later sequel ) or fun Dawn of the dead, but it's definitely a great attempt this Zombieland. In addition to that at first seem that it was parody and criticism of all such films, it falls into the same cliché of what it criticizes.

Extra: The actors play up perfectly his role, Bill Murray appears Bill Murray as , Woody Harrelson appears as ... Woody Harrelson and definitely looks hot college star, appearing as ... ... .... hot college boy.

Rating: 8

Saturday, January 9, 2010

34 Weeks Pregnant, Severe Pain Above Belly Button

@ Where the Wild Things Are

When I saw the trailer for this film not call me anything care to be honest, even a little flojerita gave me, I thought it was some other movie Children's well-intentioned but somewhat pretentious. The film was Where the Wild Things Are (Traducida "Where the Wild Things Are" "?, Ah to be the House of Representatives because I believe these tax increases is the least we can think of them)

Days later I found out who ran nothing more nor less than Spike Jonze (director of my favorite screenwriter Charlie Kaufman , teamwork that have given us such wonders as Being John Malkovich and Adaptation ). So what my mom always said if that is now and wanted to see the movie, and many, but the U.S. premiere was in October 2009 and is expected in Mexico until February, then there was only one thing to do ... .... Wait resort to piracy.

Thumbs: film is very well made, from head to toe, high artistic quality not only human but, photography is awesome, lovable characters, the monsters are great and charismatic, very good soundtrack. If the story is simple, lonely boy-child is angry with his mother away from home-child-child reaches land of monsters (no, not Michael Jackson was )-child coexists with monsters (no, not Elba Esther their influence HNLN)-child values \u200b\u200bhis family-child returns home changed, if the story is simple but excellently told and artistic hand as Spike

crappy thing: addition to a pirate have to see it take months to arrive in an "official" to our beautiful and beloved Mexico, the low participation of actors such as Catherine Keener and Mark Ruffalo my wonderful actors seem very wasted, because even though advertised as protagonists their participation is just a couple of very short scenes.

Extra: Yes, it's a movie based on book very, very short children (did wonders to expand it to a movie script) that we are a little odd (not so famous in these parts as it is in the States), but that adults will enjoy a lot and will want to be children again to embrace these beautiful display.
Yes, it is the best of what we see for children in 2010.

Rating: 9


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bulma Vegeta Doujinshi English


What better way to start in 2010 to attend the movies, and even better than watching a good film that meets your objectives, consider yourself fun without completely stupid (take that Twilight). Then I went to see the Sherlock Holmes of Guy Ritchie, which is definitely better than 2 ° has done in his life (obviously marrying Madonna occupies the first place.)
Elementary, my dear loved Jude Law

Thumbs Up: is highly entertaining and fun, definitely the best film so far this year (um, we're on 2 January but good). Great atmosphere and production, excellent performances Jude Law and Robert Downey Jr. (casual and ironic style of Iron Ma n), which at times let us perceive his homosexual behavior ... .. Even his characters.

crappy thing: We show Sherlock Holmes who uses not only the mind to solve the mysteries, but an expert on impact, much like Bond, James Bond . Besides the end I did not like, their "explanations" are somewhat simple.

Extra: Hopefully this film is an indication of things to come in 2010, a year of good movies (I think it was very, very weak in 2009 in this regard but they all hit this crisis).

Rating: 9