Saturday, June 12, 2010

How Long To Defrost Sausages Inmicrowave

Math Movies: Agora

This math movie, or tape boring math called me a lot of attention, not only because it is a film about the life of a mathematics major in the history of mathematics (or so in the history of soccer): Hypatia of Alexandria, who, like Marie Curie, were great women in science were slow and painful deaths scientists today .... so we do not die, but we slow and painful lives .... but also attracted me because it's directed by one of my managers
no gringos that I like Alejandro Amenabar .

Thumbs: is the treatment given to the tape, a good explanation of socio-political-economic life was at that time, the empowerment of a church that takes advantage of faithful to the dirty work and a government that makes decisions easier and not more suitable to the society (mmm, still the same or worse). You can see that he got his good billetotes because the production is simply spectacular ....

What Chafa: It takes many liberties in the life of Hypatia, change the historical facts and the main thing is not as bloody and gory as it should have been, and they put us a final "happy" and not the dismemberment and blood pouring everywhere which Kill Bill edition coupled with a very, very rare, totally disconnected scenes jumping # Fail

What Shawls: A tiny percentage median that does not do justice to this brilliant mathematics is decades ahead of its time (not enough to deduce Kepler's laws in 591 AD, as mentioned in the tape) and whose death marked the beginning of the Dark Age of Darth Vader the Middle Ages.


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