Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Fill Out A 4187 For Award

Metepec 100 Best Albums of the Decade

One of the magazines with more "prestige" in the world, the Rolling Stone in a eagerness to sell more magazines compact great exercise best that music has given us this decade that a day come to an end. This

bad entraga us magazine list of 100 best albums of this decade, albums that should be on our itunes, ipod, or already have them on cassettes under pirates.

Here is the complete list, I hope to slowly download links from rapidshare that everybody is more than worthy to be heard before dying (come on, who will hear the 1001 full discs other doomsayers lists taken out). Indeed

"subtly" include my TOP 20 of the best albums of this decade for me (I felt really tempted to put my TOP 60, but only leave out the 40 albums that have not eschado, although several bring on the iPod .) What do you think?

1 Foxtrot
4 19 Byrjun
44 Vampire Weekend


90 love making movies, the ritual of going to a room with giant screen

swallowing eating popcorn, nachos, soda, candy and other contraband to be completed before the start of the projection (which is often thought this.)

But these were my 10 favorite movies of 2009, enjoy it!

10. Those who remain

This film met her (pleasantly must say) during Tour Documentary "Scatter" 2009 (more information about this festival in Metepec
here.) Good work, but unfortunate that the best Mexican film is a documentary work done a couple of years, although it was not until 2009 that joy of increasing the visibility level, this does not speak well of our cinema.

9. Public Enemies Public Enemies
Highly entertaining is the latest movie Johnny Depp
(probably will be worth an Oscar nomination, rather than its action, should be simply the fact that consent is a the academy), extremely inaccurate historically speaking (say the connoisseurs), but the end of the film well done, reliable.

8. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button @ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Technically this film (as well as several from this list) is 2008, but only in 2009 was the year that were released in theaters in Mexico, so that endure
. It is a fable made film (the most stylish Forrest Gump but well done) tells a very original story a not so original but brilliant and one of my favorite directors David Fincher.

7. Watchmen @ The Rangers

honest, the first time I saw this film I found long, boring, tedious, with a band sound a little strange. Days later I read a bit more about the comic, the political content and other circumstances revolving around this story, and just saw it for the second time all fit very well and I found the film great, but I still think the soundtrack rare (very good, but rare).
6. (500) days of Summer @

(500) days together

A very entertaining comedy, with the Best Soundtrack of the year, good film elements (not as original as everybody says, but that does not stop being good), a great movie of this pseudogenero called indie films (hopefully not wear out very fast this formula) which reminded me in many wonderful moments
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
5. The Wrestler @ The Wrestler

I'ma fan, but a big fan of Darren Aronofsky

(and not just Pi: The order of chaos , any mathematician loves tape, if not rather by
Requiem for a Dream), and although I prefer to duty with The Fountain
, definitively film as claimed. It is a clear example of that creativity that money does not always, a very good product, which achieves an effect so realistic that it seems you were watching a documentary.
4. The Reader @ The reader or a secret passion

Yeah, yeah I know, but who needs another movie about the Holocaust, but unlike most other this SI is very well done. One of the most moving films not only this year but as you can see again, come on, if not drop a few tears at the end of the tape, can be considered (now if) officially non-human.

3. Broken Embraces

Broken Embraces Almodóvar shows us a very self-critical and self-referential to the utmost, that director is not that I like, that gave us

All About My Mother

, Talk to her


2. Inglourious Basterds Inglourious Basterds @

Evil tongues say that is the best Tarantino film, if you know the film will surely share this view, if you know, like your favorite I will Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction. Tarantino is not that we have become accustomed, with lots of action, with a great soundtrack and a lot of Uma Thurman, but the best of recent years. "This year will steal your Oscar again?

From the best we've seen Danny Boyle
, and look what we've seen great films (

28 Days Later and Trainspotting

included). Swept the Oscars this 2009 (not necessarily good if the latter). Great script, great but a great soundtrack, great story, great direction, great action, plenty of drama, what more can you ask? here I miss a movie, do not like some on this list, leave your comments ....


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