Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back Pain When Drink Cold Drinks

@ Sherlock Holmes "Alive in Joburg" origin "District 9"

One of the best science fiction films not only this year but the last few years (thanks Hollywood for destroying almost everything) is "District 9 " (c'mon, we're not all geeks who love "Start Trek" , we are just geeks that we are not moving that well-made films.)

Martians arrived already and NO came dancing moneybags,
but with tremendous mustache

For this movie with a great script that gives you hard and mud corporations (mainly arms), xenophobia, privatization, to the human condition, so many things ... had its origin in the short film "Alive in Joburg" (Live in Johannesburg ) directed by Neill Blomkamp , which short Peter Jackson gave him an eye and produced the film.

If you have not seen the tape, checate the film, will make sure you watch the tape ....

Alive in Joburg (English subtitles)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Flash From Camera Can Damage Lcd Tv

Animation Critic

I just found a wonderful video on YouTube, you've probably seen the following picture:

Well imagine drunk (clarify, just imagine) and waking (or nightmare) in Escher painting , this animated video that is amazing not only for the performance, but because masterfully captures the ideas of this artist have a great interest to mathematicians and wannabes like me

Surely if you like math you'll enjoy this video more than a child will enjoy the new Toy Story 3 ... ...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sony Muteki Htddw7500 Colombia

Escher painting of "The Godfather. The Homecoming" @ @ Mark Winegardner

Godfather , the creation of Mario Puzo, is one of my favorite fictional characters (the others are Homer Simpson, Hannibal Lecter, Jésus and Cartman from South Park), I'm a big fan of movies (though as a good fan, there is no third delivery to me), but particularly I like Puzo's novel (though my favorite will always be "The Sicilian ").

My idols in one, I want to be Homer Corleone.

book appeared in 2004 would continue Puzo's novel, written by a hitherto unknown Mark Winegardner and unknown until now ... was titled "The Godfather Returns" is, is " The Godfather: The Return " (bad name by the way, I would have named" The Godfather: Now if personal " or similar nonsense). It was not hard to imagine that would be a lousy book and it was.

I did not read the year it went on sale, as are books inflated the peso, and devalued faster .... Ummm, that the Mexican peso as well, costing about $ 500 dollars the first year of sale and finding a couple of years later (as I found it) at book fairs in 20 pesos ... (probably in a few years old "books" of the Twilight Saga you give them away to buy a chewing gum brand "brainless Quinceañera ")

The original cover is not only good but very original

But back to the pseudo-review of "the pimp" , the author tries to fill some holes left by the wonderful novel by Puzo, but which did full DF government's bumpy streets, the ride, half a run and give the big cat, but after 20 minutes they drop the move ... The story is full of straw, starring Michael not, Frida or Sonny Vito Corleone, Tom Hagen or (listed but that tells us is very interesting), but nonexistent characters in the film and the novel as Nick Geraci, Jimmy Shea , and Sonny's twin daughters.

benefit of the doubt, okay, take the name of "The Godfather" to write a novel featuring characters exist in the original novel, but you do to justify or explain significant events in the original story ?, if he tries, but fails, and that's what bothers a little, shoot the nearly 600 pages of his novel to explain things so unconvincing as Fredo's betrayal of his family. Maybe that is not his intention and just want to tell a story a little far from Corleone, fuck, then do not be lazy and create a own world and do not support of the world created by Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola .

Que Bonita Familia!, Que Bonita Familia!

Anyway, I think what I found most redeeming (or less vomiting) is half of the Sixth parte/1920-1945 , 18 pages that tell a little about the childhood of the Corleone brothers, and definitely reminded me Puzo's writing, as Mark tries to copy anyway Mario throughout the novel and the sixth (at least half) is where more is coming.

also seems that the author did not take the even bother to read all Puzo's novels, or at least not read "The Sicilian" , remember that there as Vito Corleone not fulfilled a promise, failed in the most valuable man, his word (sorry if you have not read the book, and you spoil it) because in this novel again that Vito Corleone broke his word only once in an action different from above ....

I will read the continuation of novel called The Godfather's Revenge ?, perhaps, if and only if they meet at 20 pesos if you like this, not worth more than that and the hours you spend reading, but admittedly there worst novels (New Moon with gay vampires for example).

Of course, there are rumors about the shooting of the 4th movie in the series "The Godfather" starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Liv Tyler, hopefully see it soon.

Conclusion: If you give it away (not worth buying) if you are a fan of "The Godfather", you have better things to do, you might consider starting to read it without much hope, but do not say you have not noticed ....

PD. If you are interested I have the e-book "The Godfather. The Return" Mark Winegardner, called the link from rapidshare or megaupload

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can Waxing Cause And Yeast Infection

Linear movement and mirrors

disbelieve, even with the encouragement, in that conscious depression, compared to the image of reality, on the ground, what's that other anti-life, but that is life and soul into it. Therefore, among hypotheses without dogmas, science without laws, interlace and cling to me and wishing detachment, I cling to his resignation. I look at those eyes alight with both lackluster, gestures of a girl who does not know that to be real, is the girl who gets dark in the sky of my contemplation. Disbelieve, from this prison with no windows, since these walls of glass, no air rather than to imagine the breeze and a meadow in this world of asphalt, with the momentum of my own inertia that destroys and builds. Poetry is simple and therefore do not write poetry. Lyrics that bring a figure hanging from the top, and hanged by the absurd link of each word. Excuses for my eyes remain mindful that direction, in the exercise becomes a game of arm breaking. It's simple dream, broken fragments, bring those worlds brimming with centuries of life in elliptical destinations that give rise to fear, so much life on it. I bring my hands each filling dialog. The sites are transformed, dusk, but the sun from one horizon of each object starts its shadow. All rest. Not hear the hum of the light, and simple that world, even more real than this world where this is nested in the truth, it is only necessary to die in apparent sense. It is simply the deep feeling that I have for each person shown as it is, and who hide their hatred that they themselves have. They understand what not to understand me. They do participate in the life of these empires Reyes possible shooting. They see them as bearers of wisdom to the species itself is born, grows and dies. Sore subject with the impression that I generated warm rose in your skin with my hand. I feel I feel adrift in a high resignation, what good is up, if the set is destroyed?. The lights in the library are fading away. Open books in our hands become useless. We seek out stunned by the silence that fell on those voices, which seem to scream that we realize. And the date is this course. The year away. I am in you, - "When one Psychologist sneeze at twelve o'clock, in a library, a born poet." Because the world does not need them because the lines are illogical and kisses, the meeting of hands, where the numbers do not matter. Road towards the sea, which is a light in your eyes.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Incompetent Narcissist


I've never been a fan of James Cameron, I do not like the Terminator, I have not seen and hate Alliens like all Titanic (although I must admit that at some point I found acceptable), and after seeing Avatar , still the same.
Pocahontas + = A Gatot blue Smurfs called avatars

The story you tell it all (really all) in the trailer, so if you going to the cinema to see it, just look at the 3 minutes from the trailer to avoid getting lost in the conversations that can produce this movie with your friends (which is difficult generate more than a few comments) ...

Watch the movie is isomorphic to see the trailer ....

However, if you still think going to the movies to see, think twice, but if you insist a fool, you should pay 80 pesos (damn crisis) to see it in IMAX 3D as it explodes well this feature (we do not just fly off the screen objects that one another try to avoid).

An entertaining film, despite its nearly 3 hours, with a script copied and plagiarized like "Dances with Wolves " in the universe "Matrix" . .

Recommended if and only if you see it in IMAX 3D

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Modelos Mexicanas Fojando

Film Fraud Chimera

is unfortunate (well, not much, but you hear more dramatic) that an event so important and successful as The Festival Internacional Quimera 2009 (something like the younger brother of Cervantes) proudly made in Metepec, smear his name with a "contest" fully rigged pseudo-organized.

I refer to "Competition Fuller's Blog" , where rules that put themselves or met at all, at least for a bit (if this is possible) of "credibility" to said activity. Competition to which this blog was entered without the remotest hope of winning (I must admit, as the vast majority of the contestants were better).
convening of the "Contest" The most complete Blog

Many suspects me the results, beginning with the date to present the winners of "The Most Complete Blog," originally for 23 November (but always good to learn and I learned that 23 = 15 and November = December) it was 15 December when it unveiled the results of the "most visited Contest The Blog" (hell, not that it was the most comprehensive blog?).
Magically contest renamed

"A jury composed of renowned professionals?" Took the following to choose the winner to humiliate the losers based on:
features not taken into account the jury

Why?, well one of the "honorary winners, called " Fotoalbums the events of 2009 Chimera ", and is only a link to other pages containing pictures of fantasy, and it is necessary to clarify that, they are only pictures, no There is no scripture, where it stayed for Quality literature. same blog has only 13 entries, all photos of this event and any other input on another issue, where it remained the Updated. No entry has one comment, ohh, sorry, the first entry has one comment, comments made by the organizers of the competition where they wish luck to the author (I was also hoping that I wish luck, and I was deeply saddened to receive nothing, how rare it not, but it is clear that there is favoritism), then where it stayed for Community created in the blog. The creator of the blog is not worthy to choose more than one of the most popular blogger templates without doing anything, either on his design and originality. see, deservedly received the honorary award.

But then, suddenly renamed Contest Fuller's Blog "to Contest The most visited blog" to make more subtle his trap the organizers, and the winner is ... ... http://charlydofigue . blogspot.com blog that until now has 3.391 as its counter visits my blog for example has at the moment 10.054 visitors and other participants reached more than 50, 000, (vote for vote, visit, visitors counter by counter, lol) No can follow their own rules and insist ...

By the way, the other "honorary winner" I found your blog, because Rush just published the names of participants, not the link to your blog so that contestants could visit each other and opinion even among ourselves. Just looking for the name of the "winners" in google and finding your blogger profile you can find your page ... I hope

chimera us answer, I repeat have the right of reply, and hopefully the deal, not to clarify because I do not win this bad blog, but a couple of blogs in very good competition and deserved to win.
In short, it seems that the only thing taken into account when choosing the winner was to jam the information Blog Rush (even copy and paste from the official website of fantasy), if you do not believe, visit the winners page ...

not attend in protest at next chimera, mmmm, unless it comes again or Reel Big Metepec Lila Downs, or any parent or other event that catches my attention, or throwing chelas walk over there and say because go ... Yes, this hard I can be ............

PD. is that this contest will matter only to the twenty participants, but I think a lack of absolute seriousness of the organizers of an international festival and a lack of respect for participants to see how they handled their rules at will. He said (that clown, no?)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Fill Out A 4187 For Award

Metepec 100 Best Albums of the Decade

One of the magazines with more "prestige" in the world, the Rolling Stone in a eagerness to sell more magazines compact great exercise best that music has given us this decade that a day come to an end. This

bad entraga us magazine list of 100 best albums of this decade, albums that should be on our itunes, ipod, or already have them on cassettes under pirates.

Here is the complete list, I hope to slowly download links from rapidshare that everybody is more than worthy to be heard before dying (come on, who will hear the 1001 full discs other doomsayers lists taken out). Indeed

"subtly" include my TOP 20 of the best albums of this decade for me (I felt really tempted to put my TOP 60, but only leave out the 40 albums that have not eschado, although several bring on the iPod .) What do you think?

1 Foxtrot
4 19 Byrjun
44 Vampire Weekend


90 love making movies, the ritual of going to a room with giant screen

swallowing eating popcorn, nachos, soda, candy and other contraband to be completed before the start of the projection (which is often thought this.)

But these were my 10 favorite movies of 2009, enjoy it!

10. Those who remain

This film met her (pleasantly must say) during Tour Documentary "Scatter" 2009 (more information about this festival in Metepec
here.) Good work, but unfortunate that the best Mexican film is a documentary work done a couple of years, although it was not until 2009 that joy of increasing the visibility level, this does not speak well of our cinema.

9. Public Enemies Public Enemies
Highly entertaining is the latest movie Johnny Depp
(probably will be worth an Oscar nomination, rather than its action, should be simply the fact that consent is a the academy), extremely inaccurate historically speaking (say the connoisseurs), but the end of the film well done, reliable.

8. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button @ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Technically this film (as well as several from this list) is 2008, but only in 2009 was the year that were released in theaters in Mexico, so that endure
. It is a fable made film (the most stylish Forrest Gump but well done) tells a very original story a not so original but brilliant and one of my favorite directors David Fincher.

7. Watchmen @ The Rangers

honest, the first time I saw this film I found long, boring, tedious, with a band sound a little strange. Days later I read a bit more about the comic, the political content and other circumstances revolving around this story, and just saw it for the second time all fit very well and I found the film great, but I still think the soundtrack rare (very good, but rare).
6. (500) days of Summer @

(500) days together

A very entertaining comedy, with the Best Soundtrack of the year, good film elements (not as original as everybody says, but that does not stop being good), a great movie of this pseudogenero called indie films (hopefully not wear out very fast this formula) which reminded me in many wonderful moments
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
5. The Wrestler @ The Wrestler

I'ma fan, but a big fan of Darren Aronofsky

(and not just Pi: The order of chaos , any mathematician loves tape, if not rather by
Requiem for a Dream), and although I prefer to duty with The Fountain
, definitively film as claimed. It is a clear example of that creativity that money does not always, a very good product, which achieves an effect so realistic that it seems you were watching a documentary.
4. The Reader @ The reader or a secret passion

Yeah, yeah I know, but who needs another movie about the Holocaust, but unlike most other this SI is very well done. One of the most moving films not only this year but as you can see again, come on, if not drop a few tears at the end of the tape, can be considered (now if) officially non-human.

3. Broken Embraces

Broken Embraces Almodóvar shows us a very self-critical and self-referential to the utmost, that director is not that I like, that gave us

All About My Mother

, Talk to her


2. Inglourious Basterds Inglourious Basterds @

Evil tongues say that is the best Tarantino film, if you know the film will surely share this view, if you know, like your favorite I will Kill Bill or Pulp Fiction. Tarantino is not that we have become accustomed, with lots of action, with a great soundtrack and a lot of Uma Thurman, but the best of recent years. "This year will steal your Oscar again?

From the best we've seen Danny Boyle
, and look what we've seen great films (

28 Days Later and Trainspotting

included). Swept the Oscars this 2009 (not necessarily good if the latter). Great script, great but a great soundtrack, great story, great direction, great action, plenty of drama, what more can you ask? here I miss a movie, do not like some on this list, leave your comments ....

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hardy Weinberg Problems With Answers Lab 8

Best Movies of 2009

counts continue with the best of the year (counts I am a big fan), now the best disquitos of the 2009 (as questionable

my point of view), this is the best Musikita hear this 12 months (admitting opinions, complaints, etc.), although there are only two soups, can agree with me, or they may be wrong ...

Best Mexican album of the year. A band that sounds very good in this album live but leave much to be desired.


"Beast" and ummm,


The July 21, 2009 this album was anuncidio as one of the 12 albums nominated for the Mercury Prize

, that says it all.

Favorites tracks:
" Sea Within the Sea," "Scarlet Fields"


13. @ U2 No Line on the Horizon

Bono is a character who can not stand (and who does not?), But I liked U2 album despite the reservations that will listen. Trivially and by far exceeds the
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
I did not like anything ....

Favorites tracks:

" No Line on the Horizon
" , "Get on Your Boots "

12. Soudtrack @ (500) Days of Summer

Technically this record should not be here because it is a compilation album but Favorites tracks:

"Vagabond" by Wolfmother
11. Enrique Bunbury @ Hellville de Luxe

The best English-language album this year. In general I like the music of Bunburi although I'm not a big fan (I've always preferred more Heroes del Silencio), but this record if I was pleasantly surprised. Favorites tracks: "Here," "Cruel" 10. Ray Ray @ Fever Fever

Fever Ray, alias Karin Andersson Dreijer
lead singer of The Knife,
presents an album you listen to a rather accidental and fortuitous , and although at first I did not like, after listening to several times I ended up convincing. Favorites tracks: "Seven", "When I Grow Up"


9. Franz Ferdinand @ Tonight: Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand revamped its sound to us in his first album and I try to self-plagiarism in his second album. Now give us more dance songs.

Favorites tracks : " Live Alone," "Lucid
Dreams "
8. Muse @ The Resistance

pseudo-apocalyptic music, with a great classic look (refer to the last 3 songs), and sweetened with a little Queen, a good record Muse, but not his best work.

Uprising", "United States of Eurasia
Collateral Damage Collateral Damage + "
7. Lilly Allen @ It's Not Me, It's You
Breaking prejudices that we all have. Because beauty is not fought with the talent to show Lily Allen, and because the pop can also give us great music to sample this album. Favorites tracks:
"The Fear", "Not Fair"
6. Camera Obscura @ My Career Maudlin
visited Mexico earlier this year to promote this album, lamentablamente was not a fan of this album as I am today. We hope to return soon Favorites tracks: "French Navy", "Maudlin My Career"

Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XWIZVGFC

5. Yeah Yeah Yeahs @ It's Blitz!

One of the best alternative pop albums of the decade, evil tongues say that the level of of

Hot Fuss The Killers
and with MGMT Oracular Spectacular .
Favorites tracks:
"Heads Will Roll
"," Dragon Queen "

4. Antony and the Johnsons @ The Crying Light
No, not Chavela Vargas that adorns the cover of the latest album from this group led by the man-woman chimera called androgynous Antony . Avoid heard in a depressed state, the results could be fatal .. Favorites tracks: "Epilepsy Is Dancing", "Her Eyes Are Underneath the Ground"
3. Various Artist @ Dark Was the Night An album that brings together Grizzly Bear, Feist, Spoon, Arcade Fire, Arcade Fire, Beirut, Sufjan Stevens, Cat Power, Andrew Bird, Antony , among many others in a wing support fight against AIDS. Favorites tracks:
"Sleepless " - The Decemberists " El Caporal " - My Morning Jacket

2. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart @ The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

In the best discovery by Marinho Aguilar and "All Tomorrow's Music "
. A very nice pop you hear all year, and net a great name for a band.
Favorites tracks: "Young Adult Friction", "A Teenager in Love"
Download: Http://www.mediafire.com/?lrwt0nuonzz

1. Silversun Pickups @ Swoon

I have not heard the debut album by Silversun Pickups

(not the singles), but I settle for it to be half as good as this. Whoa, what a great album, great band, great songs, an instant classic (but paradoxical sentence net). Any resemblance to "The Smashing Pumpkins" is purely coincidental. Favorites tracks: "Growing Old Is Getting Old", "Panic Switch ", "Sort Of"
PD. If anyone is interested in downloading any of these discs, write a statement requesting that need, and put the download link from rapidshare